Jake stepping on a horse for its first ride with Pat Parelli coaching.
Horse Development is about the Human possessing the Ambition, Patience, Principles and Sequence in order to effectively teach a horse the Confidence, Yielding, Patterns and Purpose it needs to be successful in its’ journey.
Jake got his start in Horse Development by participated in multiple Colt Starts led by Pat Parelli and by riding horses for Pat that were in multiple stages of development. Jake majored in Horse Development while he was in the “Mastery Program” at the Florida and Colorado Parelli campuses. He spent countless hours preparing horses for Pat and riding with Pat during his time as a Parelli Instructor and Horse Development Specialist. Since then Jake has continued to expand his knowledge base by riding with many different trainers, while also riding horses for the public across the country, helping everything from back yard pets that need a little more education to extremely difficult horses that had severe behavioral challenges.
In 2014 Jake competed in the first Road to the Summit competition. Participants spent a year with horses bred at the Atwood Ranch developing them from yearlings to two year olds started under saddle. Jake and his colt Wyatt won all three parts of the competition taking home four belt buckles and a saddle! In 2015 and 2016-17’s Road to The Summit Challenges, Jake’s horses were also the highest selling just like in 2014. There were no prizes or competition in 2015 and in 2016-17 Jake received the Overall Savvy award for his work with Tadpole.
Jake and his team have also prepared Horses for English and Western performance. Jake restarted and developed Tiger Lily, a Cleveland Bay mare, after failing out of four other trainers programs, that went on to win Reserve Champion, at the Upperville Colt and Pony Show, the oldest horse show in the country.
Instead of thinking about breaking and training, Jake offers Starting and Developing. “Start a Relationship and Develop a Partnership.”
Jake offers Horse Development packages to help horses that either need an appropriate start, a restart in life or continuing education. Each horse will end up with their own unique experience, as each horse is unique and will have different needs to help them have a more complete foundation. To have a better idea of what your horse’s needs will be, schedule an Evaluation with Jake.
Jake offers Horse Development so that he can help the horse be ready to act like a partner and have an understanding of pressure. This is so that the human can focus on learning the habits and skills they need to possess, to have a successful partnership and relationship with their horse, instead of having to “train” their horse while learning themselves. This speeds up the humans learning process and helps optimize a horses development.
Optimization= Potential minus Interference
For more information on Horse Development Packages including prices and timelines, Contact Us today!